Developmental psychologist Amanda Moreno, Ph.D., explains how mindfulness programs could help children buffer their stress. Read the full story for Chicago Magazine (and subscribe to the monthly Health & Wellness email newsletter).
Running Is a Great Coping Mechanism for Grief
“I had a distinctive time to be sad and not have grief take over my life.” Read the full article for VICE.
10 Things Successful Runners Do Every Night Before Bed
After they figure out the details for the next day’s workout, they give their minds a rest. Read the full article for Runner’s World.
Can Foam Rolling Give You a Mental Boost?
Some runners think of foam rolling as a necessary evil at best, a tortuous experience at worst. Elite distance runner Chelsea Reilly Sodaro, however, views the 30 to 45 minutes she spends daily on rolling and other forms of self-therapy as a much-needed release from the stress and tension of hard training. Read the full article for Runner’s World.
4 Ways to Sweat Out Stress
SOME PEOPLE discover serenity among plants and trees. Others look to the glassy surface of a calm pool for respite. And many locate their zen right on their own yoga mat. Where will you find stress relief? Read the full article on
Are You Suffering from Secondhand Stress?
Picture this: You’re quietly enjoying your Americano and catching up on email when your cubemate starts melting down over her bad performance review. Or you’re about to stream last week’s episode of Scandal when your friend texts you about the major drama with her off-again guy. Even though nothing’s actually changed in your life, you may feel your blood pressure surge and your heart beat faster, just as if you were the one coping with tension and pressure. Yep, stress can spread just like a virus—and like the flu, it can make you sick, experts say. Read the full article on
30 Ways To Save Your Heart

5 Surprising Ways Stress Affects Your Workout
Fighting with your guy or having your brilliant (or so you thought) ideas vetoed in a meeting can compel you to head straight to the weight room or the running path—and for good reason. A serious sweat session zaps stress, releasing tension and anger, and boosting levels of feel-good brain chemicals including endorphins. Read the full article on
The Calorie-Free Snack that Improves Your Mood
Chew on this: Gum could help ease some symptoms of depression, according to a new study in the journal Appetite. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.
Control Stress with Fish
Stressed out? Order the salmon. Fish oil may reduce the effects of psychological strain on your heart, says a new study from Michigan Technological University. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.