There’s no one “right” way to do it, either. Read the full article for SELF.
What Your Bedtime Says About Your Longevity
A new study reveals how being a night owl affects your health. Read the full article for Chicago Magazine.
4 Ways to Find Out How Much Sleep You Really Need
Should you shoot for eight hours—or can you get by on less? Read the full article for Runner’s World.
5 Runners Get Real About How They Broke Their Bad Habits
Keep making the same mistakes over and over? Here are tested strategies for breaking the cycle. Read the full article for Runner’s World.
How to Do a Long Run And Still Be Able to Get Off the Couch Later
Because life doesn’t stop while you recover from your training. Read the full article for Runner’s World.
7 Simple Things That’ll Make You a Better Runner
They’re low-tech—but high reward. Read the full article for SELF.
10 Things Successful Runners Do Every Night Before Bed
After they figure out the details for the next day’s workout, they give their minds a rest. Read the full article for Runner’s World.
The Big Problems With Taking Over-the-Counter Sleep Meds
Tossing and turning at bedtime can be a nightmare. That’s why some guys turn to over-the-counter sleep aids like Benadryl or Zzzquil to help get some shuteye. Read the full article for Men’s Health.
8 Natural Ways To Fight Knee Pain
Get off the pain-pill train by using one or more of these techniques—they’re safe and effective. Read the full article for Prevention.
5 Things No One Tells You About Running As You Get Older
Even if you’ve never had the urge to lace up a pair of running shoes, you can’t help but feel inspired by 42-year-old Deena Kastor. This fall, she’ll return to the Bank of America Chicago Marathon—a race she won a decade ago—aiming to run 26.2 miles faster than any American woman age 40 or older ever has. Over more than 20 years of logging miles and winning races, Kastor has absorbed a lesson or two about running. Read the full article for