Runners can be vulnerable to injuries months—even years—after taking fluoroquinolones. Read the full article for Runner’s World.
Month: May 2016
Men Are Choosing to Father Children Later In Life. But How Old Is Too Old?
Biology says you can father kids up through old age. But at what health costs? Read the full article for Men’s Health.
6 Ways To Walk Off Weight After Menopause
With age comes wisdom, a full life, and discounts on movie tickets and rental cars. But as your body moves through—and beyond—the shifts of menopause, biology does throw a few whammies your way in the weight gain department: About 10 pounds, on average, according to San Francisco–based functional medicine specialist Marsha Nunley, MD. Read the full article for Prevention.
Aquatic innovator Daniel Lynch

The Government Spends $5 Billion a Year On Cancer—So Why Hasn’t It Been Cured Yet?
Cancer remains the second leading cause of death in this country. What’s holding us back from a cure? Read the full article for Men’s Health.
How to Go from Riding the Couch to Riding a Century
Runners have their marathons; triathletes, their Ironmans. Cyclists looking to test their mettle have a benchmark challenge of their own: the 100-mile century ride. Even if your winter workout regimen consisted primarily of streaming Parks and Recreation, if you start training now, you can still set your sights on conquering a century this fall. Read the full article for Chicago magazine.
Could These Races Offer Your Best Shot at Boston 2017?
Registration heats up at early-fall events tailor-made for qualifying times. Read the full article for Runner’s World.
Worst of Times, Best of Finishes
Which man was the guide for the final seven miles of the Boston Marathon? Depends who you ask. Read the full article for Runner’s World.