Can You Be Injury Free?

Use the injury-prediction calculator from the March issue of Runner’s World to determine your risk of getting hurt—then take proactive steps to lower it. (Bonus content: Hear my interview about this article, and others, on Coach Jay Johnson’s Run Faster podcast; download a pdf of the quiz to print; and see video demos of the strength training moves.)

Can Foam Rolling Give You a Mental Boost?

Some runners think of foam rolling as a necessary evil at best, a tortuous experience at worst. Elite distance runner Chelsea Reilly Sodaro, however, views the 30 to 45 minutes she spends daily on rolling and other forms of self-therapy as a much-needed release from the stress and tension of hard training. Read the full article for Runner’s World.

The 5 Things You’ll Do Today That Will Mess Up Your Back Tomorrow

One minute, you feel invincible: You’re squatting heavy, tossing bags of mulch, helping the lovely passenger in 12D hoist her bag into the overhead compartment. The next, your back barks, leaving you hunched over. Researchers at the University of Sydney recently studied 1,000 patients to pinpoint some of the most common triggers of acute back pain—those sudden, sharp spasms that seemingly occur at any time and can leave you laid up for days. Read the full article for Men’s Health.