Conventional wisdom. Common knowledge. Whenever you hear something super interesting preceded by “they say,” don’t blindly believe it. Because when it comes to matters of biology, “they” apparently have no clue. Read the full article for Men’s Health.
Study Suggests Nappers Feel Less Pain
That quick catnap might not always work to make you less sleepy. But a new study suggests a surprising benefit of 30-minute snoozes on the sleep-deprived: less sensitivity to pain. Read the full article for Runner’s World.
12 Habits of Highly Motivated Runners
Runners dream big. Tackling a new distance, posting a personal best, losing 20 pounds–we embrace grand challenges. But what happens after you accomplish your goal, or if your resolve weakens before you succeed? You risk stalling–unless you’ve changed your routines to those of a stronger, healthier runner. Read the full article in Runner’s World.
Go to Sleep, Already!
30 Ways To Save Your Heart
Chasing Z’s
The secret to a good night’s sleep may be a good day’s sweat. Also, power your performance with tomato juice, and how exercise boosts your self-discipline, in this month’s Fitness Scoop. Read the full page in Women’s Health (pdf).
Reduce Your Diabetes Risk Tonight
Night owls, take note. More rest could improve your body’s use of insulin and reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, according to preliminary research presented at The Endocrine Society’s 95th Annual Meeting. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.
Poor Sleep Triples Prostate Cancer Risk
Sure, his restless insomnia keeps you up at night. But sleep disruptions could turn deadly for your guy. Men who have trouble falling or staying asleep may have as much as double the risk of developing prostate cancer as those who snooze soundly. Read the full article in Prevention News.
The New Math of Calorie-Counting
BALANCE IS GOOD FOR BUDGETS, RELATIONSHIPS, AND ACROBATS. If you’re seeking to lose weight, though, it’s your enemy. You need an energy imbalance, and you achieve that by expending more calories than you take in. That means eating fewer calories, exercising to fry more calories, or both. The formula sounds simple, but it’s devilishly difficult to pull off. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
How to Tell If You’ve Got a Fat Future
You can tell a lot from a guy’s breath: how much garlic he piled on his plate, how many beers he had at the bar, and now—whether or not he’ll be overweight. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.