Seven Signs It’s Time to Be Your Own Boss

If you lived in Chicago in February 2011, you might remember Snowmageddon — a blizzard so powerful it managed to overwhelm the city’s substantial snow-removal resources. Lake Shore Drive closed; people stranded in traffic for hours eventually abandoned their cars and walked home. For almost a week, most schools and offices shuttered and no one went anywhere they didn’t have to. Read the full post on A Sweat Life.

Fit Island Guide: Aruba

Locals call Aruba “one happy island” and they can say it lots of different ways. Officially part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Aruba lies just off the coast of Venezuela and also spent time under Spanish rule, so you’ll hear people speak English, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese and a blended language called Papiamento. And though it may be small — just 69 square miles, compared to Chicago’s 230 — the island also offers a varied mix of fitness activities. Read the full post for A Sweat Life.

Fit City: San Juan, Puerto Rico

A mere four-hour direct flight from O’Hare, San Juan might just rank as the easiest tropical getaway possible. You don’t have to bring your passport, change your money, or speak a different language to navigate this U.S. territory (though locals will definitely appreciate your rusty high-school Spanish, should you choose to use it). You also don’t have to put a hold on your fitness routine. Read the full article for A Sweat Life.

Chicago Trainer Profile: Bea Rodriguez, Candidate for Master of Kettlebell Sport

Eminem blared in the background. Judges sat at long, white tables, fingertips lingering near bright neon signs with the words “warning” and “disqualified.” Bea Rodriguez stood ready on a black platform in a hotel ballroom in Novi, Michigan; when the announcer yelled “start,” she picked up her 12-kilogram kettlebell (that’s 26 pounds, nearly one-fourth the 5’2” athlete’s body weight). Read the full article for A Sweat Life.

The Green Flash Blazes Through Chicago

Lionel Sanders doesn’t swim that well — at least, not for an elite long-distance triathlete. He typically comes out of the water about four minutes after the race leaders. But just wait till the run portion of the swim-bike-run event — about 10K in, he’ll catch up. That come-from-behind strategy has served him well, making the 27-year-old Canadian — who visited Chicago on Monday — the youngest top-10 Ironman in the world. This year alone, he’s won four out of his six half or full Ironman races and has his sights set on the Ironman World Championship in Kona in October. Read the full article for A Sweat Life.