12 Habits of Highly Motivated Runners

Runners dream big. Tackling a new distance, posting a personal best, losing 20 pounds–we embrace grand challenges. But what happens after you accomplish your goal, or if your resolve weakens before you succeed? You risk stalling–unless you’ve changed your routines to those of a stronger, healthier runner. Read the full article in Runner’s World.

The Biggest Fitness Myths

As quickly as exercise scientists work to banish them, new fitness misconceptions rear their ugly heads. Meanwhile, other untried and untrue myths just won’t go away. Here, we round up a few of the most common fitness falsehoods, and ask researchers and other experts to help correct the record. Read the full slideshow on OutsideOnline.com.

Heat It Or Ice It?

Like tea or yoga, pain relief comes in more than one temperature. You reach for a bag of frozen peas from the freezer if you twist your ankle. You might even take a clue from your chiropractor and use a heating pad to relax that knot in your right shoulder. But what about when your shins start aching from too many miles on the pavement, or when you pull a muscle picking up the cat litter the wrong way? Read the full article on Prevention.com.

Get a Running Start

WH 0613 running featureRunning usually elicits a love-it-or-hate-it response. Some women couldn’t imagine doing it unless they were chased, while others eagerly sign up for race after race. But since it’s one of the most efficient, accessible workouts, hitting the road (or treadmill or trail) could be your key to scoring a healthy heart and a lean body. Follow this easy guide–full of expert secrets and tips–to ensure you get the very most out of it. Read the full article in Women’s Health (pdf).