You might call it a beer belly, but really, your gut’s full of bugs. Trillions of tiny bacteria teem through your digestive system, serving important functions such as helping you break down food. Now, new research suggests people with colorectal cancer have fewer types of gastrointestinal germs. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
Author: cindykuzma
The Health Lie You’re Telling Yourself
The numbers just don’t add up. Four in 10 people with at least one risk factor for type 2 diabetes—including obesity or high blood pressure—think they have no risk at all, finds a new survey by the American Diabetes Association. Even worse: 80 percent say they’re in good or excellent health. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
Are You Getting Pain Meds You Don’t Need?
Oxycontin. Vicodin. Percocet. Opiates like these can make the agony of surgery or cancer more bearable. But potent painkillers come with serious risks—namely addiction and even death. And a new report finds more than half of hospital patients were given some opioid pain medications. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
Decoding Blood Test Results
If there’s one time to brag about being a runner, it’s at the doctor’s office—especially when your appointment includes blood or urine analyses. “Let your physician know if you are exercising heavily, and also how often and how recently you did tough workouts; it can influence how we interpret tests,” says William Roberts, M.D., a family physician and medical director for the Twin Cities Marathon. Read the full article in Runner’s World.
The Socks That Help Workout Recovery
If you’ve hit the path or checked out the crowd at your local 5K lately, you’ve likely seen athletes wearing tall, colorful compression socks. Some runners—and the companies who make the socks—swear the tight-fitting garments help you stride faster and recover more quickly. But a new study casts doubt on at least some of these claims. In fact, college runners actually exercised for less time when wearing them, according to results just posted online in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Read the full article in Prevention News.
What Your Pee Can Tell You
Consider this the next time you’re about to flush—you may be sending important health information down the toilet. We’re not advising a return to the old summer camp rule or anything (if it’s yellow…), but we do humbly suggest you give your urine a little more respect. Read the full article on
Can Doctors Recognize Depression?
Whether they come through a public service campaign or a pharmaceutical commercial, messages about depression always end the same: Talk to your doctor. But new research begs the question of whether or not that works. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
The #1 Reason To Look Forward To Menopause
Sure, you’ll cut down on visits to the feminine hygiene aisle in the drug store. Now, University of Pennsylvania researchers offer another, more compelling reason to eagerly await the permanent departure of your monthly visitor: Your mood may lift, too. Read the full article in Prevention News.
The Truth About the Hunger Genes
New health headlines provide a novel excuse for extra pounds: I can’t help it—it’s in my genes. But are “hunger genes”—DNA mutations linked to everything from cravings to a lagging metabolism—the reason you’re overweight? Read the full article in Men’s Health.
7 Weird Reasons You’re Tired All The Time
You stayed up late binge-watching Homeland. Then you woke up extra early to beat the boss to the office. Some days, there’s no mystery as to why you need an extra shot of espresso. But sometimes, the root of your fatigue isn’t so obvious, and everything from a hidden health issue to your gym habits could be to blame. Read the full slideshow on