You can buy over-the-counter drugs without a prescription, but they still have risks—especially if you treat yourself with more than one at a time. Read the full article for Men’s Health.
30 Ways To Save Your Heart

Are E-Cigarettes Dangerous?

Work Your Happiness Muscles
Find out how moving more improves your whole life. Plus, learn the perks of building stronger breathing muscles, the perils of fitness-related food labels, and where to put your activity tracker for the most accurate results, in this month’s Fitness Scoop. Read the full page in Women’s Health (pdf).
The #1 Reason to Sing Karaoke Tonight
Talk about harmony. Singers’ heart rates sync up when they croon the same tune, according to new Swedish research. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.
Are Allergy Drops Effective?
Good news, needle-phobes. There may be an alternative to relieve your chronic sniffling and sneezing: allergy drops. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.
Avoid Pollution No Matter Where You Run
Hard exercise makes for faster and deeper breathing, meaning you take in more air—and everything in it. That exposes your body (and brain) to more toxins. Here’s how to breathe easier on your runs. Read the full article in Runner’s World.
Let’s Clear the Air
A growing body of research suggests that airborne contaminants may impair your memory, weaken your sperm, and raise your risk of heart disease and cancer. Worse, your body has no internal smoke alarm to signal danger. So we’ve identified the biggest airborne enemies and outlined strategies to help you protect your lungs—and your life. Read the full article in Men’s Health (pdf).