Bacon and chocolate. Chili and peanut butter. Some unlikely combinations end up working well together. But when it comes to diet and drugs, the wrong pairing can unwittingly turn into a recipe for disaster. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
Is Your Diet a Cult?
You started out with good intentions—you just wanted to lose weight, feel better, or eat cleaner. But now you’re preaching the gospel of Paleo, spending weekends searching for low-fat diet studies to debunk, and hurling Twitter insults at former friends who dare to eat wheat. Read the full article on
30 Ways To Save Your Heart
Being Fat Is Costing You $$$
Bacon, With a Side of Superbugs?
Every year, farm animals swallow an estimated 30 million pounds of antibiotics before we swallow them. Many of these medications are the very same type your doctor might prescribe—and health experts fear if these meds are used in animals, their ability to fight your infection will diminish. Now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is taking steps to cut back on this barnyard drug problem. Here’s what you need to know about the ruling, and how to protect yourself in the meantime. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
A Gut-Check for Cancer
You might call it a beer belly, but really, your gut’s full of bugs. Trillions of tiny bacteria teem through your digestive system, serving important functions such as helping you break down food. Now, new research suggests people with colorectal cancer have fewer types of gastrointestinal germs. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
Decoding Blood Test Results
If there’s one time to brag about being a runner, it’s at the doctor’s office—especially when your appointment includes blood or urine analyses. “Let your physician know if you are exercising heavily, and also how often and how recently you did tough workouts; it can influence how we interpret tests,” says William Roberts, M.D., a family physician and medical director for the Twin Cities Marathon. Read the full article in Runner’s World.
The Truth About the Hunger Genes
New health headlines provide a novel excuse for extra pounds: I can’t help it—it’s in my genes. But are “hunger genes”—DNA mutations linked to everything from cravings to a lagging metabolism—the reason you’re overweight? Read the full article in Men’s Health.
Melt Your Gut for Good
Belly too big? Think small. Choose from our list of easy, expert-approved, research-backed waist reducers and shrink your gut in no time flat. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
20 Perfect Workout Snacks
To perform your best, you need gas in the tank. Here are the best ways to fuel your fitness. Read the slideshow on Prevention.