You know you can’t live without your heart’s daily thud-thud. But did you know that it will beat more than 2.5 billion times in your lifetime? Here, 27 more fascinating facts about the engine that powers your entire body. Read the full article for Men’s Health.
6 Guys Who Suffered Heart Attacks Tell You What It Really Feels Like
You don’t need extreme chest pain to signal a heart attack is looming. In fact, many guys don’t experience classic symptoms, like gripping or pressing pain in the chest that radiates down the arm, shortness of breath, or sweating. Read the full article for Men’s Health.
Standing Might Not Counteract the Health Harms of Sitting for Runners
Does your desk chair have fatal intentions? Even if you run regularly, mounting research suggests hours of uninterrupted sedentary time increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and an early death. Read the full article for Runner’s World.
30 Ways To Save Your Heart
7 Weird Reasons You’re Tired All The Time
You stayed up late binge-watching Homeland. Then you woke up extra early to beat the boss to the office. Some days, there’s no mystery as to why you need an extra shot of espresso. But sometimes, the root of your fatigue isn’t so obvious, and everything from a hidden health issue to your gym habits could be to blame. Read the full slideshow on
The Heart Test You (Probably) Don’t Need
Is your doctor snap-happy? Physicians order too many echocardiograms, or ultrasound pictures of the heart, says a new study from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.
Are You at Risk for Silent Heart Disease?
Better rush to shrink that gut. The more years of young adulthood you spend obese, the greater your risk of coronary artery calcification—early, “silent” heart disease with no symptoms—in middle age, says a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.
Can Too Much Exercise Hurt You?
Each March, more than 15,000 cross-country skiers race 56 miles across the Swedish countryside. The winner claims a prize worth about $10,000—and a higher risk of irregular heartbeat, according to a new study in the European Heart Journal. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.
The #1 Reason to Sing Karaoke Tonight
Talk about harmony. Singers’ heart rates sync up when they croon the same tune, according to new Swedish research. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.
STUDY: A Soft Belly Leads to Hard Arteries
You might be able to handle a gut when you’re young, but extra body fat catches up to you in middle age, finds new research in the journal Hypertension. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.