What if aspirin sometimes made your head throb more, cough syrup started you hacking, or antacids churned up your heartburn? At least one medicine can have nearly the opposite of their intended effect—SSRIs, a common type of antidepressants. In certain cases, these drugs actually increase the chances you’ll want to hurt yourself. Read the full article on Shape.com.
Author: cindykuzma
Is Your Diet a Cult?
You started out with good intentions—you just wanted to lose weight, feel better, or eat cleaner. But now you’re preaching the gospel of Paleo, spending weekends searching for low-fat diet studies to debunk, and hurling Twitter insults at former friends who dare to eat wheat. Read the full article on Shape.com.
Go to Sleep, Already!
Three Tips for Running Downhill
When most runners tackle hills, they focus on the difficulty of the climb. But downhill running poses its own set of challenges – and rewards. Read the full article in Runner’s World.
Did Your Doc Get it Right?
Misdiagnoses are more common than you think—here’s how to make sure you’re receiving the right care from your physician. Read the full article on Shape.com.
Are You Suffering from Secondhand Stress?
Picture this: You’re quietly enjoying your Americano and catching up on email when your cubemate starts melting down over her bad performance review. Or you’re about to stream last week’s episode of Scandal when your friend texts you about the major drama with her off-again guy. Even though nothing’s actually changed in your life, you may feel your blood pressure surge and your heart beat faster, just as if you were the one coping with tension and pressure. Yep, stress can spread just like a virus—and like the flu, it can make you sick, experts say. Read the full article on Shape.com.
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News Every Skin Cancer Survivor Must Know
Lightning doesn’t strike twice—but cancer can. People who survive a skin cancer other than melanoma face a higher risk of 29 other cancers later on, finds new research from the University of Melbourne. Read the full article in Men’s Health.