The physical and mental side effects could sidetrack your routine, but they don’t have to stand in the way of your long-term goals. Read the full article for Runner’s World.
A Worrier’s Guide to Shooting Lasers in Your Eyes
It’s totally normal if LASIK surgery still bugs you out. Read the full article for VICE.
8 Secrets Your Hospital Keeps
From leaked records to medication mix-ups, it’s what you don’t know that can hurt you during your hospital stay. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You—Unless You Ask
Modern medicine can do miraculous things—but every test and treatment has a downside. And your doctor may not disclose the dangers without prompting, a new survey finds. Read the full article in Prevention News.
Does Your Choice of Hospital Matter?
You might want to be choosy when it comes to your hospital. People with advanced head and neck cancer were 15 percent more likely to survive if they received care at high-volume hospitals (those that saw more patients with the same disease), according to new research in Cancer. Read the full article in Men’s Health News.
5 Arguments Your Doctor Wants to Have with You
In a new survey, only 14 percent of patients said they would speak up if they differed with their doctor about the best way to treat a health issue. But believe it or not, sometimes your physician would prefer a face-off. Read the full article on MSN Healthy Living.