Author: cindykuzma
5 Surprising Ways Stress Affects Your Workout
Fighting with your guy or having your brilliant (or so you thought) ideas vetoed in a meeting can compel you to head straight to the weight room or the running path—and for good reason. A serious sweat session zaps stress, releasing tension and anger, and boosting levels of feel-good brain chemicals including endorphins. Read the full article on
Being Fat Is Costing You $$$
Are Olympic Athletes Legally Doping?
Should You Trust Online Doctor Reviews?
Can Cold Weather Really Make You Sick?
Coming Soon: An Insulin Pill?
Stronger erections. Weight loss. Better sleep. There’s a pill for almost everything and everyone—except for people who take insulin for diabetes. But that could change within the next few years, according to a new paper from the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research in India. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
How to Set a Long Term Running Goal
As you set your goals for the New Year, consider planning beyond your next race or even your next season and choosing an ambitious long-term target. Read the full article in Runner’s World.
Bacon, With a Side of Superbugs?
Every year, farm animals swallow an estimated 30 million pounds of antibiotics before we swallow them. Many of these medications are the very same type your doctor might prescribe—and health experts fear if these meds are used in animals, their ability to fight your infection will diminish. Now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is taking steps to cut back on this barnyard drug problem. Here’s what you need to know about the ruling, and how to protect yourself in the meantime. Read the full article in Men’s Health.
Be Your Own Coach
Learn mental cues to help you jump higher, run faster, and hold a wall squat longer. Plus, choose tunes that make workouts feel less strenuous and learn how fitness gives you a leg up while job-hunting, in this month’s Fitness Scoop. Read the full page in Women’s Health (pdf).